AWC Companion v.1.2.3 ReadMe, Roboty ABB, RobotWare 5.13

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AWC Companion































1.                  AWC Companion1.1              Background

The AWC or WeldGuide is a sensor used for seam tracking in RobotWare Arc.

The AWC Companion is a PC software program used together with the sensor to:

setup calibration values in the AWC

              scaling the wirefeed and voltage DACs

              saving and reloading the main AWC control program

              diagnosing AWC status

              real-time monitoring of wirefeed rate, arc voltage, and y-z tracking performance


The Companion is a useful tool, but is not required for the programming of welding and tracking parameters in the AWC or for using the AWC  in production.

1.2              Usage1.2.1        AWC-companion

The AWC Companion software is included on the RobotWare DVD in the

Utility\Arc\AwcCompanion_v.1.2.3 folder.

1.      Open disk1 folder.

2.      Start setup.exe.

3.      Follow instructions on the screen.

1.2.2      Software downloaded to WeldGuide

The WeldGuide system need to be loaded with appropriate data before it can be used. The AWC companion PC program can be used for this task.













1.2.3        Load the WeldGuide PLC program

A predefined PLC program needs to be loaded in to the WeldGuide. This is done with the To Awc button on the companion test screen. A file menu will come up were the appropriate file can be selected.

DownLoad the file WG_IRC5.plc supplied in the disk1 folder.

                            1.2.4        Calibration data to the WeldGuide

The calibration data defines the WeldGuide output/input assignment and analog scaling. The calibration data also contains unit specific calibration data.

Open the file WG_IRC5.cfg. The file is located in the support folder. This will load default data in to the companion.






Read in calibration data to the Companion

·         Adjust specific parameters C0-C5. The numbers can be found on the front of the WeldGuide cpu board (behind screwterminals).


Define unit specific data

·         Send the data to the WeldGuide with the button ToAWC.

Send data to the WeldGuide

1.2.5        Resetting the WeldGuide

This operation will erase all calibration data and load default data in to the Weld­Guide. After reset download .plc and .cfg as described earlier.

Turn the WeldGuide OFF

Open the cover of the WeldGuide

Switch dip switch No 4 to the ON position

Turn the WeldGuide On and wait 2-3 sec.

Turn the WeldGuide Off.

Switch dip switch No 4 back to the OFF position



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First Draft
























ABB Automation Technologies



Doc. no.


Rev. ind.







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